Codex Blood Angels
2 1 1 0
Codex Space Wolves
7 3 2 2
Codex Space Marines
Codex Chaos Space Marines
Codex Black Templars
This month have mostly been painting...
Sons of malice space marinez and watery high elves.
Farmer Geddon's Paint Points
Motivation technique stolen from Lone Pilgrim. For each model I paint, I get points, with each type or size of model having different point values.
Eldar, Dark Angels (Green, Death and Raven), Imperial Guard (Preatorians/Cadians), Chaos space marines (custom), Orks (speed freeks), Tau, Sons of Malice
I've just realised - all the pictures I've loaded, ever, look crap because I uploaded direct. I think I'd best use photo bucket. Here are the 2 pictures again:
There, much better. Now the question is, can I be bothered to go back and host all the other pictures?
All the details of painting a Dark Angel can get me down - so may colours, so many details to think of how to paint moan moan drone moan....
Ok, today's summary of the last couple of hours painting (over the last couple of weeks):
Added Devlan mud to the 'stony' bits, highlighted the red with a 50:50 red gore and blood red, and started the leathery bits (packs/drapes etc) with vermin fur (do they even still make it?).
Oh, and made the eyes blood red over mechrite red, now they glow nicely, but I'm not sure how to make them a bit more like eye lenses. Got to try dark/mid/light/white spot method I guess.
Also, 2 pictures, same dudes, a couple of minutes apart with 2 different cameras.
1) 5MP camera on an old N95 8G
2) 5MP camera on a shiny new HTC HD2
I've got a bit of fidling to do to get it right I think, but the new phone has slightly lower picture quality. Shame really, cos otherwise its shiny and new and big. I like it, can you tell?
We've known for a while now that there will be, after years of speculation, a 40k movie. WHOOT!
We found out last year that it would be called, and about, Ultramarines. BOO HISS!
I found out today, that it has the best of British voice talant. I mean, come on, John Hurt? The John Hurt as a Space Marine. How damned cool is that!
I guess all I'm saying is that I'm probably going to love it, even if it's about those goody twoshoes boys in blue. That, and the wait, is a small torure.
Last session I painted all the silver bits black, and today I've painted them all silver, pretty much dry brushing (maybe a bit wetter) Boltgun Metal on all metallic surfaces.
Next, Mechrite red on all weapon bits that shouldn't be silver. This is is where maybe I go away from some people's DA colour scheme. I just like the red/green/bone thing. The mechrite red sets up a good base for some brighter red on top, and also covers up the wild silver brush marks well.