Thursday, 23 September 2010


Ok, time for the next in my exclusive range of luxery painting how-to's...

As discussed, slap a second coat of skull white on the quarters; it should be fairly white at this point but by no means perfect. I'll tell you that these guys have been in action and their armour's covered in lots of small marks and scratches... I'll be thinking I'm lazy and want to get these guys on the table as soon as my honour will let me!

This lunchtime's paint session rewarded me with a layer of Badass black. For some reason the pot I've got is alot lighter and a bit browner than the first pot I bought. Great consistancy there GDubs. I think I've got the balance right - you need to slap on enough to go in every crease, crook and cranny, and then take off any puddles sitting on raised areas. I tried watering it down but then there's not enough definition. So if for some reason you're actually following this for tips - ummm... Give it a go any see what I mean?

I don't like using the flash, but it really shows you where the ink's sitting.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Black and White

As promised*, here's my slightly dodgy how to paint Sons of Malice with an even dodgyer method!

First of all, paint it black:

Yes, all of it. I've started getting cosy with Vallejo Game colour black. Smells really wierd, but it goes on beautifully!
Second, paint half of it skull white - it looks really nasty. Top left, bottom right white. The bottom white section carries over the belt - it just seems to balance it better with the back pack.

As a side note, the two guys on the right are over paints of a small SM army I picked up for a bargain. They form most of the Dev squad, and half of the assault marines.
Back on target... There will be a second coat of white coming tomorrow. But now, back to work!

* Now I've got four followers *waves* I've actually got to follow up on the blithely made promises!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Magna Marines - Ho!

Ok, so I've talked about my Sons of Malice, and about my willingness, ney, eagerness, to jump on the bandwagon of Space Wolves/ Blood Angels.

So, without further ado, I present the army lists, shared models (pending a magnestised weapon/backback/jumppack swap) are in italics:

Blood Angel flavoured Sons of Malice:


Assault Squad, 2 meltas, PF sergeant
Assault Squad, 2 meltas, PF sergeant
Vanguard vet squad, lightning claw, 3 storm shields
Sanguinary priest, JP, meltabombs
Sanguinary priest, JP,

1500pts: add

5 Assault Squad, flamer, power weapon
Honour guard, 3 meltas, lighning claw
Full devastator Squad, 4 missile launchers
Swap 1 sang priest to walking with storm bolter,
Add lighning claws to the other sang priest.

2000pts: add

Vanguard vet squad, lightning claw, 3 storm shields
Terminater assault squad, 4 THSS, 1TLC

Space Wolf flavoured Sons of Malice:

1000pts: (not really feasable?)

Logan Grimnar
5 wolf guard, 1 in terminator armour with cyclone & chainfist
5 wolf guard, 1 in terminator armour with cyclone & PF
5 wolf guard, 1 in terminator armour with cyclone & PF
Lone wolf in terminator armour, chainfist stormshield
Lone wolf in terminator armour, chainfist stormshield
Devastator Squad, 4 missile launchers

1500pts: add

Rune Priest in terminator armour
5 wolf guard, 1 in terminator armour with cyclone & chainfist, joins another squad to make 10 man.
Thunderwolf cav, SS, PF
Thunderwolf cav, SS, PF

2000pts: add

Thunderwolf cav, SS, PF
Lone wolf in terminator armour, chainfist stormshield
Devastator Squad, 4 missile launchers
5 wolf guard, 1 in terminator armour with cyclone & PF

I would like it italisise the honour guard and vanguard, but I've had to use the 10 raptors I've got hanging around, and they don't really look right jumping around without jumppacks!

In total, the number of models is managable, the extras on both army flavours will give me some flexability either way (more assault terminators, more devestators, more melta).
And, as you've guessed, everything is magnetised, so both flavours fit into one standard GW case. All I've got to do is figure out something suitably... Morally ambiguous for the thunderwolf stand-ins. As I paint and model I'll put up pics. Black and white are supposed to be hard to paint... And damn they are! But from a distance, the couple of test dudes I've done look reasonable.

Monday, 13 September 2010

The Knowledge

Partly for my benefit, partly for yours, here is a hugely useful resource for modelling and painting. Thanks Ron @FTW!